ECDL / ICDL (7 Modules)

European Computer Driving Licence - ICS Skills

Course Summary

 Mod 1: Computer Essentials / Mod 2: Online Essentials / Mod 3 Word Processing / Mod 4: Spreadsheets
 Mod 5: Database / Mod 6: Slide Presentation / Mod 7 IT Security

Course Curriculum

Frances Gallagher

 "Waiting ... July 2021." 

Lir Swan
Founder, CTO - The Company

 "Waiting ... July 2021" 

Lir Swan
Freelance writer - The Company

 "Waiting ... Juy 2021." 

Lir Swan
Blogger - The Company

Course Pricing

ECDL (7 Modules)


    • Module 1: Computer Essentials
    • Module 2: Online Essentials
    • Module 3: Word Processing
    • Module 4: Spreadsheets
    • Module 5: Database
    • Module 6: Slide Presentation
    • Module 7: IT Security
    • Virtual ECDL Licence
    • ECDL Online Exams - 1 for each module
Pay Fee or Lir Access