The Journey of Believing: How our Story as a small Private Training Provider can Shape your Success

2024 marks our 36th year as a Private Training Provider for QQI Certified courses here in Ireland. How did it start, and who is the hero? ....

Introduction - there's a Hero in the making ...

In the bustling world of 1988, in a town called Mullingar in Ireland, a vision was born that would change the lives of countless learners. This is the story of our business, initially Lir Secretarial Services, then Lir Business Services & Training Centre.  This is a place where dreams are nurtured, and futures are forged. But this story isn't just about us—it's about you, the Learner, you, the hero of this journey.

woman with shadow behind her of herself as a hero
Sometimes you are not aware there is a super hero in you

The Learner's Dream: Your Aspiration

Imagine standing at the crossroads of your life, knowing you have immense potential but unsure of the path to take. You want a career that not only brings financial stability and pays the bills but also personal fulfilment. You dream of becoming a respected professional, making a difference in your field, and continuously growing and learning. This dream is the heart of your journey, the beacon that guides you towards greatness.

The Beginning: Our Vision for You

When I started Lir Secretarial Services 36 years ago shortly after being made redundant.  I had one mission: to become self-employed and to provide secretarial services to individuals and businesses. There was no support from Government agencies available back then, so you just had to get up and get on with it.  With a small team, we got set up and running.  We started by typing up CVs and Interview Techniques, theses, and projects while providing all kinds of secretarial services to individuals and businesses.  Like anything else, we got busy and eventually started Lir Recruitment Services, helping so many like you to achieve your fullest potential and gain employment. We saw gaps in the education system which took two paths — 

  1. Those of you who may have completed your Leaving Certificate (Second-level education) who were graduating without the practical skills needed to thrive in the real world, and 
  2. Those of you who were working in offices and other areas while technology banged on your doors, demanding that you and the company upskill. 

Our vision was to create a learning environment where theoretical knowledge meets hands-on experience, preparing you to excel in your chosen career. You deserved recognised qualifications for your efforts at times that suited you.

The Path: Your Journey to Success

You know something has to happen to turn your dream into reality, so many of you started on your own journey of learning and growth through Lir. Our courses were designed with your needs in mind, offering a blend of comprehensive theory and practical application. Sounds grand, but essentially we listened carefully to you, to hear what you needed to progress.  We ran certified courses from the start, first with the Commercial Examining Board of Ireland, then City & Guilds/Pitman, ECDL (ICDL) and finally with FETAC who are now known as QQI (Quality Qualifications Ireland). 

So to start your unique journey here's how you could succeed:

  1. Enrol on one of our Courses: Choose from a variety of QQI-certified courses, Level 5 or Level 6, that align with your career goals. if unsure, you speak to us.
  2. Engage Fully: Participate actively in classes, whether online or classroom-based, workshops and practical sessions. The more you immerse yourself, the more you gain. You never know who you may meet - a potential employer or a learner who has important contacts.
  3. Leverage Resources: Use the extensive resources we provide—mentorship, career advice, and networking opportunities.
  4. Apply Your Skills: Take what you learn and apply it in real-world scenarios.  Practice your skills to keep them updated, or add a refresher course at some stage.
  5. Stay Committed: Persistence is key. Stay committed to your learning journey, even when challenges arise. We are always here to listen and assist where we can.

If I've learned one thing from my journey, it is persistence, and I hope you do the same. There will be bumps and challenges along the way, and the fun in the end is finding your way around them.

The Stakes: The Cost of Inaction

Every hero faces a challenge, a moment of truth that defines their journey. For you, the stakes are high. If you don't take action; if you let fear or doubt hold you back, or let the dreaded procrastination win, then the consequences can be significant:

  • Missed Opportunities: Without the right skills and qualifications, you may miss out on job opportunities and career advancements.
  • Stagnation: Remaining in a job that doesn't fulfil your potential can lead to stagnation, which can affect your professional growth and personal happiness. You know that feeling when you just don't want to face another day in that job or in that position?
  • Regret: Years down the line, you might look back and regret not taking the steps needed to achieve your dreams. From speaking with Learners, I have learned that they thought about it a year or so ago and are only getting around to it now—a whole year wasted.

The Victory: Your Triumphant Future

But let's focus on what happens when you seize this opportunity:

  • Career Success: Having the knowledge and skills from successfully completing your course, you will be better prepared to get to where you want to be. Employers will recognise your value - sometimes you have to remind them.  Opening doors to exciting job opportunities and career advancements is just a start.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Beyond professional success, you'll experience the joy of personal growth and fulfilment. You'll become a more confident, capable individual ready to tackle most of life's challenges. We have seen Learners with little formal education complete Major Awards and graduate to third-level colleges. We have watched children look on proudly as their parents collect their QQI qualifications. We have watched others start their own businesses - all of these are the real heroes!
  • Lifelong Learning: Our Training provision instils a love for learning, ensuring that you continue to grow and adapt throughout your career. Remember, we're constantly learning and moving forward too.  
  • Training Delivery: You have choices to either join 'Live' Tutor-led Online Classes or a Self-paced Online Course with Tutor Support, or In-Company classroom-based training and/or Workshops.
  • Large State-run Educational Institutions: You may think you are only a number, but that's true; they give you a number.  You are not given a number here at Lir (A small Private Training Provider). Instead, you are treated as the unique individual you are.
  • Communication: Communication is everything, so speak to us at any stage of the process and see if we can help you on your unique journey while you are aiming for Hero status.
Team of ordinary people who are super heroes
teams can all be heroes

Conclusion: Join the Legacy

Our short background story is not just about the past—it's about the future. It's about creating a legacy of success and empowerment for Learners like you. It's about the technology we use at Lir to ensure that you have a unique experience in your learning.  Join us on this journey. Become the hero of your own story, and let us help you achieve the progression you deserve.

Call to Action

So are you ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? If so, explore our courses today, speak to one of our experienced Training Professionals and embark on your journey to success. Your dreams are within reach, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

This is just Part 1 of a 10-part blog series - where you can see how learner-centred we are. You are at the centre of all our training provision decisions to prove we value you as a learner.

More Information

If you are interested in hearing more before the next blog in the series, go to our 36-Year Celebration page, or register below to be emailed when we bring out a new blog post. In the meantime, check out our blog on Zenler - another hero of my online course creation journey.

Categories: : Level 6, Lir, Online, QQI, Training

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